巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季


主演:Jeremy Turner



《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》剧集介绍:Stonehenge is an icon of prehistoric British culture, an enigma that has seduced archaeologists and tourists for centuries. Why is it here? What is its significance? And which forces inspired its creators? Now a group of international archaeologists led by the University of Birmingham and the Ludwig Boltzman Institute in Vienna believe that a new state-of-the-art approach is the key to unlocking Stonehenge's secrets. For four years the team have surveyed and mapped every monument, both visible and invisible, across ten square kilometres of the sacred landscape to create the most complete digital picture of Stonehenge and the surrounding area over millennia. Known monuments have yielded more data than ever before, revealing hidden structures within, and new finds are revolutionising the very timeline of Stonehenge. Operation Stonehenge takes the viewer on a prehistoric journey from 8000BC to 2500BC as the scientists uncover the very origins of Stonehenge, learning why this landscape is sacred, preserved and has been revered by following generations. Evidence of war and conflict, as well as the cultivation of ideas and industry, is explored to reveal complex communities with international trade links as far-reaching as Spain and central Europe. Using CGI to reveal the monuments hidden beneath Stonehenge and featuring factually sourced dramatic reconstructions, the stories of the buildings and the people that occupied this sacred landscape over four millennia ago are revealed in comprehensive detail.... 详情



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    3To Kill a Mockingbird (1962):格里高利.派克主演的经典法律电影。
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    看 见恶 魔上映:2010年时长:143分钟地区:韩国语言:韩语导演:金知云主演:崔岷植、李秉宪类型:剧情
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    98年出演好莱坞电影,获得法国杜维尔电影节特别成就奖和美国AZN电视台 “亚洲卓越奖颁奖礼”终身成就奖。





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    类型:冒险 地区:意大利

    主演:沈涛, 沈腾, 贾玲, 华晨宇, 关晓彤, 赵薇 Wei Zhao, 苏有朋, 宋丹丹, 巴图, 张铁林, 王森, 张哲瀚, 刘哲尔, 古巨基, 寇振海, 王琳, 徐幸, 沙溢, 马天宇, 杨迪, 金靖, 纪连海, 俞灏明, 李晨, 柳岩, 胡兵, 高曙光, 高鑫, 韩雪, 贾乃亮, 唐鉴军, 张新成, 尚雯婕, 周深, 萨顶顶, 沙宝亮, 潘长江, 厉娜, 许飞, 唐笑, 韩真真, 杨颖, 周一围, 王丽坤, 祖峰, 张若昀, 李沁, 郭麒麟, 宋轶, 田雨, 李纯, 于小伟, 刘美彤, 刘端端, 韩昊霖, 张萌, 佟丽娅, 王耀庆, 薇娅, 吴磊, 张歆艺, 大张伟, 黄晓明, 郎朗, 吉娜·爱丽丝, 张海宇, 管乐, 于谨维, 赵薇, Wei, Zhao


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